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The unique construction of Standard Reusable Plastic Tree Clips permits their reuse under conditions where other fin or tree-type fasteners would become distorted and unusable, particularly where removal is required in the field.

These Xmas tree type clips, also called nylon barbed rivets or ratchet fasteners, feature a ribbed shaft and self-centering construction to assure easy installation and removal without damage or distortion to retaining fins. As the clip is pushed into place, its ribs deflect and then spring back after they pass through the hole. This action allows ratchet fasteners to hold securely in prepared or blind holes, and in a wide range of materials.
Unit of Measure



N/A Black


N/A Heat-Stabilized Nylon 66

Head Diameter

N/A 0.427 to 0.447 in10.85 to 11.35 mm

Prong Size

N/A 1 mm

Hole Size

N/A 0.182 to 0.192 in4.62 to 4.9 mm

Prong Length

N/A 0.63 to 0.65 in16 to 16.51 mm

Head Thickness

N/A 0.065 to 0.075 in1.65 to 1.9 mm

Panel Size

N/A 0.08 to 0.402 in2.03 to 10.2 mm

Point Style

N/A Conical

Head Styles

N/A Flat



N/A Please contact EFC International directly for additional materials and colors.